Yash Bharadwaj


CyberWarFare Labs

Yash Bharadwaj, working as a technical architect at CyberWarFare Labs. Highly attentive towards finding, learning and discovering new TTP’s used during offensive engagements. His area of interest includes (but not limited to) building Red / Blue team infrastructure, evading AVs & EDRs, Pwning Active Directory infrastructure, stealth enterprise networks & Multi cloud attacks. Previously he has delivered hands-on red team trainings at BSIDES Ahmedabad, OWASP Seasides 20, Red & Blue Team Training at BSIDES Delhi, OWASP APPSEC Indonesia 20, CISO Platform 20 & YASCON 21. He has trained at various international conferences (Nullcon 21, BSIDES Connecticut). You can reach out to him on Twitter @flopyash